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Maria Schreider


Dr Maria Schreider

Maria has Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Zoology (Moscow University) and a Ph.D. in Marine Ecology from the University of Sydney. An exchange program at Dartmouth College (USA) during her undergraduate years provided great training in English language and Environmental Science.

After finishing her Ph.D., Maria worked at the University of Sydney, first as a research associate in the ecophysiology lab and then as a lab tutor and an associate lecturer in First Year Biology.

The rest of Maria’s career was spent at the University of Newcastle, where she worked on the environmental impacts in seagrasses, mangroves and saltmarshes and ecology and genetics of invasive algae. Maria participated in more socially oriented research on adaptations to climate change in Vietnam and Antigua and Barbuda. Her latest projects focus on detection and monitoring of algal blooms in coastal estuaries using remote sensing.

As a lecturer, Maria developed and taught a variety of courses in Environmental Science and Marine Science programs. Her special interest is teaching experimental design and statistics to people with minimal mathematical background.

Maria is looking forward to new collaborations for ecological and conservation work on the wetlands and shallow subtidal environments of Phillip Island.