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Kath Handasyde


Kath Handasyde

Dr Kath Handasyde’s research spans 40+ years. Her focus has been on collecting long-term field data, including ecology, ecophysiology, reproduction and diseases, to inform management and conservation of native Australian mammals. Along with her team of graduate students she has conducted research on wild populations of koalas, platypuses, mountain & common brushtail possums, striped possums, echidnas and potoroos. Kath has served and serves on numerous committees responsible for wildlife management and welfare, including: Parks Victoria & DEECA Koala Technical Advisory Committee (1999-2018), Deputy Chair of The University of Melbourne Science AEEC (2001-2005), Chair of The University of Melbourne Science, Land & Environment & Optometry AEC (2006-2016).

Kath chaired and co-rewrote the revision of the Federal Governments NHMRC Guidelines: A guide to the care and use of Australian native mammals in research and teaching (2014); was on the  Phillip Island Nature Parks Board of Management from 1992-2010 and has set up and been chair of the Phillip Island Nature Parks Animal Ethics Committee (1992-2014). Finally, she was the category B AEC representative (2015-2018); on the Phillip Island Nature Parks Scientific Advisory Committee (ongoing since 1992), and is a long-term member of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society and Australian Mammal Society.

Kath delivers seminars and talks to community groups (e.g. Landcare), schools, and animal carers. In her lecturing position, at The University of Melbourne Kath developed curriculum for, coordinated and taught subjects on wildlife biology to undergraduate and graduate students. Kath retired from The University of Melbourne in 2019 but is still an active member of a number of committees and community groups.