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Everyone encouraged to share our shores this summer

Everyone encouraged to share our shores this summer

School children are being encouraged to showcase their artistic flair as part of a creative community collaboration to foster respect for the Phillip Island’s beaches and wildlife this
Phillip Island Nature Parks, supported by the Bass Coast Dog Owners Association, have launched the Sharing Our Shores campaign, encouraging all residents and visitors to be
mindful of protecting local wildlife, amid the peak holiday season.
As part of the campaign, there will be an art competition where students can create a poster that communicates the importance of harmonious relationships between residents, visitors
and the island to support local conservation efforts.
Phillip Island Nature Parks Jessica McKelson, Conservation Manager said it was a joint community responsibility by all beachgoers to help safeguard local wildlife.
“Phillip Island is home to some of the most incredible and endangered wildlife in Australia and it is incumbent on everyone who enjoys the island to ensure these birds and animals are
kept safe,” Jess said.
“The highly threatened hooded plover shorebirds nest along the high tide line and in sand dunes during spring and summer, with their eggs and chicks easily stepped on because they
are difficult to see.
“In addition, the migratory short-tailed shearwaters breed in sand dune burrows from September to May and fly north in winter.
“Keeping to the designated paths and having your dog on a lead, away from signed nesting areas, helps to ensure the survival of these birds.”
Dog owners can check local signage or the Phillip Island Nature Parks website relating to dogs as regulations varied depending on the beach locations and the summer periods.