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Our Reconciliation Action Plan

We acknowledge the Bunurong as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, work and learn. 

We pay our respects to their Elders past and present and acknowledge their continuous connection to the land, water, sea and sky on Milawul. 


The Nature Parks is privileged to manage land on Phillip Island that forms part of the traditional lands of the Bunurong and acknowledges that the Land, Waters and Sea are of spiritual, cultural, and economic importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Phillip Island Nature Parks is proud to launch our fourth Reconciliation Action Plan (Stretch) June 2024-2027 with endorsement from Reconciliation Australia.

Our RAP represents our shared vision for reconciliation and was developed in liaison with Traditional Owners, the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, the First Nations community, and Nature Parks Board, Executive and leaders. We are committed to working together to deepen our understanding of Country through meaningful relationships, enable Bunurong to drive outcomes for Country through shared responsibility, and drive positive social change by supporting our team to be truth tellers and allies for self-determination, voice, and treaty. 

Cover artwork was created by Kobi Sainty, Bunurong Traditional Owner

This artwork, which I named ‘Nature’s Connection’, was created with having nature and connections in mind, I have incorporated colours like blues, browns, whites, and greens to express that within the work. I have focused with groups of six within this art piece, five is an association with Bunurong people and our five apical ancestors and adding one more symbol for our father Bunjil our great creator spirit and the land which is our mother. Nature’s Connection. This artwork is a story of how Bunurong people connect and share with nature, how our community give and take with balance and the journey we all take in our lifetime. The first ring is the Bunurong Country and the dots inside it represent the community of the people who walk the land. The next ring inside is to represent the nature, water, and animals within Bunurong Country and to finish off this is two rings to represent Bunjil and our apical ancestors. The dots in between the circles are to represent our ancestors, animals and nature that has moved onto our dreamtime, they are always with us and looking over us. The formation in the centre of the artwork represents the animal tracks and the paths that they leave behind, animals are a big part of our journey and are very important to everyone.


Phillip Island Nature Parks is calling for interested local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members to join the Reconciliation Advisory Committee. The Reconciliation Advisory Committee provides a great opportunity for two-way communication between the Nature Parks and the local community to assist in delivering our reconciliation objectives.

To express your interest and to find out more about this opportunity please contact us at

NP Planting WTC Are PP Visitor Centre August 2019

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RAP Launch May 29 2019 PH 17 of 87

Reconciliation Events 2024

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